Trend in Google Reader.

Did you ever wonder .. how many time did you really look and read at the pdf file or ebooks…

Namran Hussin

the brain and mind.

One question arise .. what is the brain and .. what is the mind ? if it is the same..…

Namran Hussin

Nice big meeting room..

One nice BIG meeting room.. how nice to be here.. in the morning .. hehe

Namran Hussin

the source of vibration

At first I thought it was an earthquake.. as my desk never vibrate/shaking like this before.. Until that one particular…

Namran Hussin

Sudo make me a sandwich

I have been with Fedora for quite some year.. until I bump onto Ubuntu for the first time on 2005.…

Namran Hussin

Blocking access to certain website using route

In case you happened to block certain site from being access from you pc/notebook/server or whatever.. let's say.. it is…

Namran Hussin

Swallow the pride, turn the head down, kiss the ego, say Goodbye..

Hmm..this sentence have just got back to me after 10 years.. the first time i heard it.. can't remember from…

Namran Hussin

PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in bla..bla..

from the tail -f /var/log/httpd/error [Tue Mar 10 16:01:30 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found…

Namran Hussin

Microblog ?

what the heck is microblog ? as far as I am concern.. either you update or no update at all...…

Namran Hussin

Installing windows XP on XEN virtualization in CentOS 5

In this post I will explain on how to Install windows XP on Xen virtualization engine in CentOS 5. In…

Namran Hussin