how to crash your X-server in centos 5.2 and fedora core 8

get the latest whatever.. with  yum update -y then  just fire up this page with latest firefox ..3.0.1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MS-DOS_games there…

Namran Hussin

slow moving …

slow internet access for the whole day.. cvs commit also took loonger than ever. too frustrating... and plus the heavy…

Namran Hussin

network activity over the year..

it seem dropping compared to early time of the year.. where were am I heading to .. or what was…

Namran Hussin

Expect the unexpected…

sometime.. thing seem to go smooth.. but somehow.. it is starting to go wrong at the very beginning.. it is…

Namran Hussin

how did kiosk turn into ‘chaos’…

a lesson to ponder.. 1. overall planning  review. 2. system design. 3. hardware test failure taken into granted. 4. software…

Namran Hussin

am i wasting my time …?

more than once.. i had been questioned myself.. "Am I wasting my time for being here ....?" WTF... am I…

Namran Hussin

A trip to Sabah…


Namran Hussin

Deny access to an IP using squid.

acl to_trojan dst http_access deny to_trojan this is before the http_access allow internal_network

Namran Hussin

Eid Fitri 1429 ..(visiting ?.. yes..)

Namran Hussin

Balik KL trip..

Balik Kampung trip.... KL- Kota Bharu (Saturday : 27th Sept 2008 ) departure time : 4.30 pm arrival time :…

Namran Hussin