How to check mp3 bitrate

right klik on the file.. properties..

Namran Hussin

maafkan saya.

Assalamualaikum. Maafkan Saya. (more…)

Namran Hussin


When i think bout it.. all of this is true.. Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat, Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka. Kalau…

Namran Hussin

Maxis broadband online invoice.

The online invoice is not accessible if using firefox.? When clicked any of those invoice to view details.. this shit…

Namran Hussin

Walking distance.

what is the walking distance(time) from One Utama to SS5.. or specifically Taman Bahagia LRT station... the answer is :…

Namran Hussin


whoaaa.. someone sent me a bulletin.. type this while your eyes closed. .. or something like... type this sentence with…

Namran Hussin

Thing to do ..each time I updated the wordpress.

go to wp-admin/index.php comment out these line. //var update2 = new Ajax.Updater( 'devnews', 'index-extra.php?jax=devnews' ); //var update3 = new Ajax.Updater( 'planetnews', 'index-extra.php?jax=planetnews'…

Namran Hussin

mutiara kata

Usahlah kamu berbesar diri dengan sesuatu perbuatan yang kamu lakukan, kerana kamu tidak mungkin menembusi bumi dan kamu tidak mungkin…

Namran Hussin

Merdeka .. Malaysia’s 50th Independence Day…

Namran Hussin

Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati.. Al-Imran (185)

no wonder my gurl insist to get back to kelantan this morning since last week. Her grandma caught a stomachache…

Namran Hussin