
XUbuntu Screenshot

I managed to download and try the xubuntu live today.. the one referred by http://ubuntu.com.my/ in the left menu link…

Earth Hour Malaysia

The idea of Earth Hour[earthhour.org] is not that bad idea at all.. the website is also nice.. got video ,…

Updating twitter status from command prompt

Automatic Twitter update via bash script and cron.. hehe.. tweet..=~ twitter.com create a shell script (go_tweet) with following content.. date=`date`;…

Sudo make me a sandwich

I have been with Fedora for quite some year.. until I bump onto Ubuntu for the first time on 2005.…

Blocking access to certain website using route

In case you happened to block certain site from being access from you pc/notebook/server or whatever.. let's say.. it is…

PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in bla..bla..

from the tail -f /var/log/httpd/error [Tue Mar 10 16:01:30 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found…

Installing windows XP on XEN virtualization in CentOS 5

In this post I will explain on how to Install windows XP on Xen virtualization engine in CentOS 5. In…

Freaking Overload

Only today.. manage to reach 26x CPU load.. with.. xen running to install windows xp on CentOS 5.2 firefox.. vncserver…

Installing OpenOffice 3 on CentOS 5

After been a while using OpenOffice 2.3 that came bundle with CentOS 5.2 , somehow decided to get OpenOffice 3.0.1…

The Clustered High-Availability Server Test Procedure

Servers that are supporting the critical operational are advised to be Clustered and with High-Availability configuration. Fully redundant and…