
VPN status

haha.. can use this to monitor the link.. to my home.. either dead or alive..

Triple boot with Dell Latitude D630 . ( Vista, Windows XP , Centos 5.1 )

hehe.. just need to shrink the partition in the vista pre-installed .. upto 15 Gb is enough for vista. then…

image.. processing ?

erm.. image processing using MATLAB.. Original image... imported.. equalized..? with compression pass. ..

and this from satellite tool kit.

using Satellite Tool Kit(STK) to simulate the motion of our satellite.. in order to determine the best orbit configuration to…

CATIA in aerospace design..

hmm.. one of my university project with CATIA is as below.. (more…)

about a girl.

got something from other user post.. " Cantiknya seorang wanita itu, sebagai gadis bukan kerana merah kilau lipstik pada bibir…

ssh to remote and run firefox to local

ssh -Y user@host.ip.addr firefox


hmm.. wandering around...

The alternative road.. aiya..

hehe.. under some circumtance.. I had to take the alternative road to reach KL.. right after the AidilAdha.. (more…)


the year 2008 has come... so that the 2007 become a history.. the most frequent trip back to kelantan last…