
“caffeine” consumption

Well, those who really know me while my univ. or student time would have noticed that I seldom sleep early…

Jadikan aktiviti seharian itu sebagai ibadah

Sometime we might overlook, every second we breath,  our heart beat to ensure we are alive. Thus while we are…

Happy Labour Day 2012

Today marking the new day in my career life. As per discussion somewhere at 2007. The day have finally arrived.…

SPM 1999 : Result announcement day

It is the day that everyone had been waiting for since the day we completed the exam at around November…

Something about giving : Give More to receive More

Well, the title explains itself I think.. Give more to receive more.. Start with giving first : 1. the effort…

Do it right or keep trying till you got it right

Well, in any process there would some defect would been passed through anyway. Wether small or big.. rightly or wrongly…

Found duplicate PV on EMC PowerPath with LVM

I just encountered the following problem whenever the contractor changing shared storage interface from iSCSi to Fibre. [root@host02 ~]# pvscan…

Steve Jobs : 1955 – 2011

I used to watch his live stream during apple product launch.. midnight somewhere. I sees his presentation with passion ,…

Setiap hari itu dijadikan ada siang dan malamnya ..

Setiap hari itu dijadikan ada siang dan malamnya.. pasti bersebab. Siang hari diwujudkan matahari yang terang benderang bagi memudahkan urusan…

Something about work and passion

It had been few years I have not even give a blink to something not related to my work at…