10 Teknik Power Meledakkan Instagram anda!

Alhamdulillah. Got chance to attend the ” Simposium Usahawan Internet 2015#enterWIP” yesterday at MATRADE.
At the first evening slot, I got into the following class .
Decided to get into the class about the “instagram” by Wanie Idayu.
The following are the notes regarding the above.
I will write as my reference for the future, as well for the reader or whoever want to learn.
I’d also love to hear the feedback and sharing from others. Leave yours in the comment box after the post.

here we go.

1. Teknik 1 – Bina profile yang menarik

1.1 @username

Gunakan company name / business name / brand.
+ pastikan sama dengan domain anda, dan disemua platform media social anda.
seperti di Facebook & twitter. avoid ‘Fireflyz’ mistake
+ do not mixed up with personal post into business instagram.
+ this tip is not for “insta-famous” but for business purpose.
– strictly no selfie on those IG , sekali sekala boleh la kot.
+ let the instagram be professional, trusted, especially when trying to close sale
of the magnitude RM 10k > above.
Trust -> Sale
+ Therefore, asingkan IG personal dan IG bisnes.

1.2 Profile name

  • Deskripsi ringkas mengenai bisnes anda, bagi yang menarik.
    kerana apabila anda gunakan untuk teknik tertentu 3F ( follow for follow )
    cuma bahagian yang muncil di notification orang yang anda follow.
    manfaatkan sebaiknya.
  • Profile information

  • intro business anda
  • kajian mengatakan manusia sukakan angka-angka pada bahagian ini.
  • letakkan no. pendaftaran SSM disini. atau apa-apa maklumat berangka.
    seperti Since 2010 , no contact, jika ada Fans di FB yang banyak boleh letak juga.
  • masukkan juga info terkini, acara terkini, promo terkini.

`1.3 Gambar Profile

  • logo perniagaan – bagi tujuan branding & nampak professional.
  • kenapa branding itu penting, kerana sekalipun anda hanyalah dropshipper,
    jika branding anda kuat, anda boleh “negotiate” dengan supplier untuk “margin” yang
    lebih baik.

Professional -> Trust -> Sale

1.4 website

masukkaan real link website offical anda , bukannya shorten link ( bitly,ad.ly )


Contoh profile yang menarik :

Soalan : Macam mana nak tahu profile anda diinstagram adalah menarik dan efektif?

2. Teknik 2 – Gambar Yang Menarik

2.1 what to post ?

  1. product photo *if you’re serious doing business , seriously consider to invest money to get professional photography services . ( starting from RM 100-200 to RM 300-500 / hour for studio photography )
  2. inspirasi / cadangan penggunaan produk ( contoh : baju apa + tudung warna apa )
  3. work done / finished jobs or products.
  4. customer testimonials ( Repost & tag properly if someone posted on their IG because obviously they also love exposure ) .. for testimonial on whatapps .. ask first and also please hide their phone no.* kesian ramai pula yang call dia lepas tu untuk explain “saya tak terlibat dalam itu gambar.”
  5. no hard-selling
  6. video ( 15 saat ) * most effective time is night time ( malaysia’s scenario )
  7. paling kurang post once a day , bagus 3x sehari ( pagi , tengah hari , malam )
    Soalan : How to know what time our followers are active ?
    Soalan 2 : How to set auto-post ( repeat ) at those three time , while only post once a day? what apps to use?
  8. Gunakan professional photography services
    rate > around RM 200 – 300 for studio photography / jam contoh photography services provider : @dakteropong , @serinditphoto , @muhammedareen
  9. Pastikan gambar anda TERANG & TAJAM
    kajian mengatakan LIGHTNESS lebih disukai berbanding DARK.
    Banyakkan ruang background kosong dalam gambar anda. Bukan sepenuhnya hanya produk.

3. Teknik 3 – Penggunaan Hastag

  • guna hashtag berkaitan dalam ruangan deskripsi
  • jangan pula pergi bom hastag orang lain tak berkaitan dengan kita.

Soalan : berapa maksimum hashtag boleh digunakan?
jawapan : 30 Hashtag

Soalan : berapa yang optimum ?
Jawapan : kajian mengatakan yang efektif ( lebih ramai likers ) untuk “exposure” ialah 11 Hastag

Soalan : macam mana nak tahu #hashtag apa?
Jawapan : taip je # kat search box.

4. Teknik 4 – Follow IG lain

  • Follow for Follow ( 3F )
  • be Creative .
  • identify your target customer
  • people who commented on competitor photo
  • people who commented on your industry/business photo
  • people who commented on related to your business photo
  • people who commented on photo with your industry/business #hastag

How to know if your IG profile is effective ?
25% follow back whenever you perform follow to follow..

anyone interested for the remaining technique or anything to add to the above?
Leave your comment below .

Namran Hussin: a soft spoken guy... with exceptional interest in computers and technology. I love to learn new thing and also love to break thing for the sake of learning.. but I do abide to the self-imposed limitation or certain thing such as social thing in life, thing can be done and thing that must be avoided at whatever cost such as drug,illegal tracking, smoke,illicit activity..etc.muahahaha let's share what we had in this short term of the life.! make it worth of the living.~
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