Life Insurance Agent talk

I believe everyone would have already bump into Life Insurance agent before..

And may had encounter this situation at earlier stage of life.. or would be encounter this situation at some point of time soon..

Most typical is as below :

they will start with probing our current financial status.. pretending to understand or to help.. bla..bla.
sort of sharing information .. bla..bla..

then start calculating expenses.. liability .. asset and all.. calculating “net worth” or something i think..

.. from here their approach may vary.. depend on our current situation i think ..

Scenario A :

if you are having quite a lot of income and with high expenses.. and having some sort of asset already
.. he will ended up asking :
…… when do you plan to retire ?
…… how much would you think will be sufficient to support your lifestyle after retirement (55th years old.)?
…… what is your retirement number ?

then would suggest.. to “bla..bla..” then will be able to afford retirement life happily ever after..

Scenario B :

if you are after calculating all.. expenses is higher than income or just barely survived.. not much asset yet .
.. he will ended up asking :
…. what is your next 5year plan.. sort of thing ?
…. would you like to know how to control your unnecessary spending and having extra money each month ?
…. must think long term.. can’t simply let time goes by ..bla..bla.. must act fast..

Scenario C :

if you are somehow.. happened to be a “bread-winner” for the family or having someone depending on you.
.. he will ended up asking :

…. If anything happened to you , then how ?
…. what is your emergency plan.. if ..?
…. if die tomorrow.. who gonna take care the family and all?
…. everything must plan.. so that the one you love would not suffer much in case of …. bla..bla..

Conclusion :
All above scenario will then lead us to think that.. spending certain amount to insurance agent is not a waste..
just because we are human , and worrying a lot of thing.. this would be the best human err.. to be exploited or manipulated..
by whoever capable of influencing people..

(what on earth does it makes any sense if..
someone pretending to be a human or person who not knowing anything bout you before this..
suddenly become so concern about your life ?.. and at the end of discussion.. some money had to be given away to him?)

p/s : sometime i tend to think “a known bad-person is much safer than an unknown but very nice person..”

“Bekerja lah setekun mungkin,seolah-olah.. akan hidup selama-lama nya..
dan beribadatlah sebaik-baiknya, seolah-olah .. akan mati pada esok hari…”

.. from my colleague …

” who cares what gonna happened to the ‘World’ when I die..
let someone else that are still alive worry bout it..
as my body also have to let someone else take care of it..
I can’t possibly buried my own corpse even if I want to do it myself..
still i need someone else to help me to do it anyway..”

.. that’s why we got “Khairat kematian”.. and all.. (it is not yours anymore after you die..).

final thought : Do not think too much about the world..
let the death become our reminder to get ourselves prepared for the life hereafter.. not the other way around.

hmm.. Ingat 5 sebelum 5.. sepatutnya sebagai peringatan bagi mempersiapkan diri ke alam yg kekal abadi..
1. Senang sebelum susah,
2. Hidup sebelum mati
3. Lapang sebelum sibuk
4. muda sebelum tua
5. sihat sebelum sakit.

..still I felt not quite appropriate to use it to force me to opt-in for any life insurance policy immediately though..

Namran Hussin:

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  • I dont know who your 'colleague' is but I somehow disagree with him/her.

    Maybe you don't want to talk about what will happen to the world. But what will happen to your love ones. The people who really depend on you and your ability to generate income for their living. Can be your wife, your little kids, your mom and dad.

    I always agree on insurance as a protection tool but not for a saving/investment tool. Don't blindly listen to any agents. Learn and know what you really need from somebody who really knows.

    Actually khairat kematian also considered as "insurance". People who contribute will get the benefit. We are helping each other for good.

    • I agree.. this would not the 'saving vehicle'.. like what been told by some agent.. though.

      Just discovered this morning: (the group insurance paid by my office ) actually had covered these item :

      1] total & permanent disability benefit
      2] partial permanent disablement
      3] critical illness (accelerated)
      4] accidental death

      According to our admin, is covered up to RM 50k..

      so. is kinda redundant..

      better go buy ASB/N (Amanah Saham Bumiputera/Nasional) or bank-in into KWSP account instead...

      somemore .. if got kid.. can also ASD (Amanah Saham Didik)
      well.. life is short... live it to the fullest..

      -- some thought..

      "Andaikata manusia tahu betapa singkat sebenarnya hidup di dunia,
      nescaya mereka tidak akan senyum walau sesaat.."

      Excerpt from other source :

      " Tiap-tiap umat mempunyai ajal, maka apabila telah datang ajalnya mereka tidak dapat mengundurkannya barang sesaat pun dan tidak dapat (pula) mempercepatnya."

      (Surah Al-A'raf ayat 34)

      Ajalku pasti tapi tidak terlihat oleh pandanganku bilakan tibanya ia. Ajal yang Allah janjikan itu takkan tertangguh sesaatpun malah Izrail sesekali takkan alpa dalam urusannya. Sesungguhnya malaikat maut menjalankan perintah Allah SWT dengan tepat dan sempurna, dia tidak diutus hanya untuk mencabut roh orang sakit sahaja, ataupun roh orang yang mendapat kecelakaan dan malapetaka. Jika Allah SWT menetapkan kematian seseorang ketika tertimpa kemalangan, atau ketika diserang sakit, maka pastinya Izrail mencabut roh orang itu ketika kejadian tersebut.

      Namun ajal tidak mengenal orang yang sihat, ataupun orang-orang kaya yang sedang hidup mewah dibuai kesenangan. Malaikat maut datang tepat pada waktunya tanpa mengira kita sedang ketawa riang atau mengerang kesakitan. Bila ajal telah tiba, maka kematian itu tidak akan tertangguh walau hanya sesaat. Tidak ramai manusia yang mengaitkan kematian itu dengan kehadiran malaikat maut yang datang tepat pada saat ajal seseorang sudah sampai, sedangkan malaikat maut senantiasa berada di sekeliling manusia, mengenalpasti memerhatikan orang-orang yang hayatnya sudah tamat. Sebuah hadis Nabi s.a.w yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah bin Abbas r.a, bahwa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya :

      " Bahawa malaikat maut meperhatikan wajah manusia di muka bumi ini 70 kali dalam sehari. Ketika Izrail datang merenung wajah seseorang, didapati orang itu ada yang gelak-ketawa. Maka berkata Izrail : Alangkah herannya aku melihat orang ini, sedangkan aku diutus oleh Allah Taala untuk mencabut nyawanya, tetapi dia masih berhura-hura dan bergelak-tawa."

      .. penawar kegelisahan ?


      .. “Bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.”

  • Sometimes feel very weird if he/she long time never keep in touch with us but call us suddenly and said 'how are you recently'. Human sense to tell us what you going to sell us.

    Definitely, insurance is good for us like what Azwan's said is protection tool but is my saving tool also to avoid any over spend until don't know where is the money gone. These is one of the way for the people who simply spend the money without save it for their future.

    During such recession period, many people will stop and think 'is it a right time to buy'. It's depend what you really want/need during this tough period.

    A bit confuse also because different agents tell you different things therefore we must find the agent that we can fully trust.

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