.. the above title is already self-defined I think..
Ok, I was looking the proper setting for NTP (Network Time Protocol) stuff.
Ended up at the remote area of the Papua New Guinea.
If asked papa ‘Google’ on what is the ntp setting for Papua New Guinea.
it would lead to something as :
yes..that is correct.. but that is not what I am looking..
I am looking for something as such
MST-0800 for Malaysia equal to GMT+08
.. after few minute fiddling with it..
i think the answer for this is inside my laptop .. :)
then starting typing something like this to my terminal..
find / -iname "Papua"
a sec later.. eh wait..
why not just set my laptop timezone to Papua New Guinea with a nice timeconfig GUI and
locate the configuration file for localtime from there.. yay!
.. and guess what..
the setting is right at /etc/localtime
cat /etc/localtime
provide me the answer as ;
then I can set on my Acquisition Electronic (AE) as below :
p/s : the answer turn out to be found without the net.. hahaha… just need be creative enough looking for it..
maybe can ask this sort of question to candidate..
“Ok.. the NTP setting for timezone for Malaysia is MST-0800..
provided you had a linux laptop …
explain how can you find the timezone for a country such as Papua New Guinea ..
without having to get to internet.. ”
(handle him a laptop with a CentOS livecd.. and give him about 30minute to come with at answer)