Categories: Linux

Geoserver and Java (JRE)

I was reinstalling some old system on new O/S.. CentOS release 5.4 (Final)

before this I think was older version.

After few time restarting Geoserver , no luck..
I tried the manual run of the script as follows :

 export JAVA_HOME=$JHOME; export GEOSERVER_HOME=/opt/geoserver;export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/opt/geos_shapefiles; /bin/sh $GEOSERVER_HOME/bin/startup.sh  > /dev/null  2>1&

it complaining something about java.. then I remembered last time,
there is not using default java shipped with CentOS.

Did a quick check and remove that one..

  rpm -qa | grep java
  yum remove java-1.6.0-openjdk-

followed by reinstallation of packages of old version of java..

rpm -Uvh java-1.6.0-sun-* libXp-1.0.0-8.1.el5.i386.rpm

restarting ..

service geoserver restart

and it works !

so , stick to old ones..

Namran Hussin: a soft spoken guy... with exceptional interest in computers and technology. I love to learn new thing and also love to break thing for the sake of learning.. but I do abide to the self-imposed limitation or certain thing such as social thing in life, thing can be done and thing that must be avoided at whatever cost such as drug,illegal tracking, smoke,illicit activity..etc.muahahaha let's share what we had in this short term of the life.! make it worth of the living.~
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