Trying out Raspberry Pi 2

Just because am so curious , I ordered the Raspberry Pi 2 board almost immediately upon knowing it have been…

Namran Hussin

Never give up no matter what

Long time ago I used to keep telling myself.. "Never give up no matter how HOPELESS." And today am glad…

Namran Hussin

Salam Maulidur Rasul 1436 H

Rasulullah Rasulullah dalam mengenangmu Kami susuri lembaran sirahmu Pahit getir perjuanganmu Membawa cahaya kebenaran Engkau taburkan pengorbananmu Untuk umat mu…

Namran Hussin

Idealized version of myself

It's remarkably easy to fall into the trap of comparing your output to an idealized version of yourself who can…

Namran Hussin

Note from the past

Am going to write today .. no matter what ! haha 1. We only have one life,there is a world…

Namran Hussin

Salam Perkenalan

[ Salam Perkenalan ] Saya Namran Bin Hussin Pengarah Urusan kepada IMR Solutions Sdn Bhd Kepakaran kami ialah membantu penganalisa…

Namran Hussin

Disebalik Kesulitan Ada Rahmatnya

Disebalik Kesulitan Ada Rahmatnya From Ust. EBit Lew. Eg4BZBj0YLQ Setiap musibah pasti ada hikmahnya. Part yang bestnye.. Setiap yang terjadi…

Namran Hussin

the importance of knowledge

One thing suddenly sparked in mind is about the knowledge itself. If one made a discovery .. but he or…

Namran Hussin

Setting Up serial port in VirtualBox on windows

I just have enough USB to serial converter which will fail occasionally. So , I decided to put aside some…

Namran Hussin

Making www and @ point to the same servername in apache

Sometime we just can't control the client is accessing our website either via www or just without www. In virtualhost…

Namran Hussin