Categories: Linux

Making www and @ point to the same servername in apache

Sometime we just can’t control the client is accessing our website either
via www or just without www.

In virtualhost setting for apache this can be done by adding the following line into

    ServerAdmin webmaster@namran.com
    DocumentRoot /home/namran/public_html/namran.com
    ServerName namran.com
    ServerAlias www.namran.com

    ErrorLog logs/namran.com-error_log
    CustomLog logs/namran.com-access_log common

Namran Hussin: a soft spoken guy... with exceptional interest in computers and technology. I love to learn new thing and also love to break thing for the sake of learning.. but I do abide to the self-imposed limitation or certain thing such as social thing in life, thing can be done and thing that must be avoided at whatever cost such as drug,illegal tracking, smoke,illicit activity..etc.muahahaha let's share what we had in this short term of the life.! make it worth of the living.~
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