Thing to NOT tell to the whole world at large

There are some of the thing to NOT tell to the whole world at large . Among others.. 1. The…

Namran Hussin

A dream to climb and move forward

One evening, I have been discussing with one of my senior .. "Where are we actually heading now ?" "Let…

Namran Hussin

Productivity and Motivation

Some how productivity is tight to motivation.. don't know how far it may go wrong or true.. But let see…

Namran Hussin

Installing Nagios 3 in CentOS 5.2

Nagios is one of the powerful network device monitoring and visualization.. I did bump on this software few year back..…

Namran Hussin

Reclaim Hardisk space on /

Once in a while , whenever I checked my disk space usage .. for / it goes up to 90%…

Namran Hussin

Mail Server doubt.

On a beautiful morning at somewhere of the Earth .. one of the three gentlemen raise one surprise question.. "Where…

Namran Hussin

Kejernihan Akal

Something caught my attention .. Arakian di hari yang panas , dengan "Le Tour De Langkawi".. Jalan di sana-sini tutup…

Namran Hussin

Tracking with google Latitude

Google had launched the Google Latitude... suppose to be working with Android phone and also PC. If you ever used…

Namran Hussin

Setting up personal CCTV with CentOS and webcam

After tried few times and failed to get the webcam to work in my Fedora 9 box.. I decided to…

Namran Hussin

Playing Counter Strike with ex- schoolmate and friend

Sometime feeling like such as old days while playing counter-strike between classmate / coursemate / .. and between "Desasiswa" via…

Namran Hussin