
buffer overflow…

i thought only buffer g0t overflowed ... but my carburator seem to have this pr0blem also.... *sigh*

torrent over maxis broadband..

seem to pass through during non-peak hours.. 4 am ~ 6 a.m

the change of w0rking h0urs..

hmm.. seem need to change my w0rking h0urs already... 9 a.m - 6 p.m ~ stay in office .. no…

my fc…

now have to reboot to get into new kernel.. *sigh*.. the vmware-server break after that..

people get what they deserved..

you asked for it.. and sooner or later.. you will get it... kinda weird ..after 51year of merdeka.. we got…

tipping point.

how little things can make a big difference... toin.. toin..

pawned..for life.

em.. dispensable pawn... have u ever think bout this deeply .. whenever the employer treat their employee as a dispensable…

test creativity

http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=374201 http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=374364

time is up

aa... time is running out.. ding dong .. ding dong.. repair this .. and that.. seem to fix some of…

something just happened..

Google truly can search one.. hahaha.. only today realized and experience by myself to get back my lost contact for…