
Mengapa …?? now become laughing stock for the rest of the world..


Room Rental go up one more time.

this is the 2nd time of this same year it goes up.. early of this year already increased by RM…

my early days with internet access

hahaha... kinda memorial.. it was at least before 1997.. at where my age was just 15-year old.. Form 3.. at…

RM 1 juta untuk setiap pingat emas di olimpik beijing

huh..  kaya amat.. yet to asked rakyat to "jimat cermat" .. minyak naik.. xlarat nk bayar subsidi.. bla..bla.. tgk2 buang…

Headache.. over the month ?

hmm. this time got headache over the month something.. a lot of thing happening.. i think i lost a lot…


2nd shoot.. 4WS  ... Engine... Head light.. Inside..

power saving mode..

hahaha.. specially crafted from kernel message or what.. now you tell me... happening few days before the fuel price hike..…

SSH to home via k300i ..

hmm.. seem impossible ? not at all.. download MidpSSH from http://xk72.com/midpssh/ from intro.. MidpSSH is an SSH and Telnet client…

upgrade fedora 7 to fedora 8 using DVD

hhmm... required download from website or torrent .. Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso mkdir -p /media/fedora mount -o loop Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso /media/fedora get to latest…


long time not seeing OS/2 Warp.. running.. managed to see one at maybank kiosk..