World No Tobacco Day

From the wikipedia definition :

World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. The member states of the World Health Organization created World No Tobacco Day in 1987. It draws global attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to its negative health effects. The day aims to reduce the 5.4 million yearly deaths from tobacco related health problems.[1] From 1988 the WHO has presented one or more World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) Awards to organizations or individuals who have made exceptional contributions to reducing tobacco consumption. On May 31st, 2008 the WHO called for a complete ban on tobacco advertising; the organization said studies establish a relationship between exposure to cigarette advertisement and starting smoking. [2]

and..with something like this for the cigar cover..

Image: Irritating cigar cover..»
“Merokok Membahayakan Kesihatan” .. from the Ministry of Health..

and.. from one of the banner at the Public Community Clinic.. at Malaysia..

merokok itu haram...

which read as :

Merokok Adalah Haram

Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malayasia kali ke-?? yang bersidang pada 23 Mac 1995 bersetuju membuat keputusan bahawa :

“Merokok adalah HARAM dari pandangan Islam kerana padanya terdapat kemudhadaratan”

Nas Al-Quran dan hadis seperti berikut menjadi asa kepada penetapan hukum :

1. Terjemahanan Al-Quran
“Dan janganlah kamu mencampakkan diri kamu ke dalam kebinasaan”
(Surah Al-Baqarah :195)

2. Terjemahan Hadith :

“Tidak memudharatkan (orang lain) dan tidak saling memudharatkan (antara satu sama lain)”
(Riwayat Ahmad dan Ibnu Majah)

Infoline berhenti merokok 03-8883 4400

Tak Nak ! (merokok)

Hmm…but ?..
1. tobacco field still there as can’t ‘bercucuk-tanam’ other product ..
2. smoking can still been seen here and there..
3. feel not guilty at all while smoking in front of non-smokers..
4. Hi tax.. more money to gomen.. so what.. muahahaha..

p/s : sometime we can dream about being/become idealistic .. but in real life.. a big NO!

Namran Hussin: a soft spoken guy... with exceptional interest in computers and technology. I love to learn new thing and also love to break thing for the sake of learning.. but I do abide to the self-imposed limitation or certain thing such as social thing in life, thing can be done and thing that must be avoided at whatever cost such as drug,illegal tracking, smoke,illicit activity..etc.muahahaha let's share what we had in this short term of the life.! make it worth of the living.~
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