Enabling Intel Virtual Technology in Z470 Lenovo

Well, I just downloaded the Virtualbox for the project testing purpose. By right, at my current position I should not…

Namran Hussin

Kerana mencari rezeki yang halal itu adalah satu ibadah

I went to Belaga, Sarawak in past few week. The transport to get there are very limited at that time…

Namran Hussin

Found duplicate PV on EMC PowerPath with LVM

I just encountered the following problem whenever the contractor changing shared storage interface from iSCSi to Fibre. [root@host02 ~]# pvscan…

Namran Hussin

10 Muharram – Hari Asyura

Dalam bulan Muharram hari yang paling bertuah ialah hari ke-10 atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Hari Asyura’. Pada hari tersebut…

Namran Hussin

A short visit to Jakarta, Indonesia

I have been to Jakarta for 2nd time for the Official Project trip. A lot of thing moving really fast..…

Namran Hussin

Dataran Shah Alam

On past few week, I had been traveling more often than usual. The following photo was taken during my 2nd…

Namran Hussin

Tazkirah – untuk diri yang selalu lupa

Semoga kita dikurnia rahmat Allah yang melimpah ruah di saat-saat kita paling memerlukan kelak... rl58740dWUY Selawat dan salam ke atas…

Namran Hussin

Sg Gabai Waterfall – Day Trip – 30 Oct 2011

I was planning to have some fun and visit some waterpark near to KL. First thought to get to Sg…

Namran Hussin

Redirect without WWW to a WWW domain for Vhost.

Adding redirect to preferred domain with WWW instead of without www. Use the following . ServerName www.namran.net ServerAlias namran.net RewriteEngine…

Namran Hussin

WebRep Overall Rating on my Google plus post and comment – is from Avast

it started get annoyingly append each of my comment and my post on Google+ Plus with .. "WebRep Overall Rating"…

Namran Hussin