
Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini ~ Raihan

Alangkah indahnya hidup ini Andai dapat kutatap wajahmu Kan pasti mengalir air mataku Kerna pancaran ketenanganmu Alangkah indahnya hidup ini…

Doa Dhuha ~ Jika Rezeki itu milik-ku , maka permudahkanlah

Bumped onto one nice song this morning. Trying to catch the Dhuha time's .. :) Doa Dhuha Album : Hijrah…

Music : Maher Zain – Barakallah

Maher Zain - BarakAllahu Lakuma We're here on this special day Our hearts are full of pleasure A day that…

Selagi ada Rahmat Tuhan

This song caught my attention.. not because of the original title of "selagi ada rindu" but the "bait".. "selagi ada…

Nobody by Wonder Girls lyrics in English

You Know I still Love You Baby. And it will never change. (Saranghae) I want nobody nobody But You, I…

The reason behind all the p2p software monitoring is…

I believe everyone are now blaming streamyx or their ISP for the slow connection. But did you ever asked why…

The journey and the music

After about 10 years after the high school.. I used to travel not-so-long-distance almost yearly.. If not for "Hari Raya.."…

Jomgig.com has been launched and tuned..

If you kinda bored with mainstream music from the same media work-out and blow-up.jomgig.com would be another alternative place for…

Real by ASNA Music

Hmm... nice song.. Real you don't think its strange oh yeah but for me what's done have been done now…

Now you’re gone ~ Basshunter

Bumped on this song .. a bit some time earlier.. Sang by Basshunter.. (well some content filtering software would blocked…