Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. ~Benjamin Franklin
Okay, let’s have a quick look at it.
Not so long ago, a friend of mine once said
“there is so much more things I want to say, but not so much time left.”
And yes, there are a lot of unspoken words.
I guess, we both understand.
As we grew up, there are time, when we actually had time to talk,
and yet we just don’t know where to begin.
Same goes to writing, if you were saying “I will write when I got free time”
or when I had a vacation.
Most probably you’ll never find that free time or vacation.
Rather says : I will write and finish my writing so that I can have that vacation I needed most.
Which one will likely to get you started?
After that it just need to maintain the momentum and keep on going.
By reviewing papers or book or someone else works, whether it just to get an idea flowing so that we can write more.
Whatever the outcome, it is definitely will grow our own conscience.
We may now seeing thing differently compared to our previous self.
Whether or not we managed to write something out of it,
the activity of collecting information and getting more reading material is already an activity that is worth doing.
In a long run, it will still benefit us as we do not know what tomorrow may bring to our plate.
“Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge.
Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.” — John Adams
credit image : http://profal.deviantart.com/art/Ilmu-adalah-SAHABAT-170539742
quote :
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