
The Ideal Father ~ something to ponder

On 19th June 2010. As we were walking thru "Kinokuniya" KLCC.. spotted this book .. "Ideal Father" - a comprehensive…

Something regarding family

Maksudnya: ā€¯Wahai orang-orang yang beriman peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu dari api neraka yang mana bahan bakarnya adalah manusia…

Kursus Kahwin 12/2009

I was attending "Kursus Kahwin" on 5-6 December 2009.. at "http://www.kursusperkahwinan.net".. i think is managed by Mahligai Firdaus Enterprise.. the…

Pengisytiharan Hari Raya Aidil Adha 1430H

"Seteleh dipersetujui oleh majlis raja-raja... ...adalah dengan ini diumumkan bahawa tarikh Hari Raya Aidil Adha 1430 H bagi seluruh... ...negeri-negeri…

Kelantan – place.like.no.others.

I actually want to write the "Nuzul Quran" 1430H .. somehow can't locate this photo.. this shot is from one…

Kadar zakat fitrah di kelantan bagi tahun 1430H/2009

Zakat fitrah di Kelantan RM6.90 26/08/2009 2:48pm KOTA BAHARU 26 Ogos - Kadar zakat fitrah di Kelantan ditetapkan RM6.90 tahun…

Ubuntu Muslim Edition

I bumped into a re-spin Ubuntu linux , fully customized to fit Muslim .. this come with some software such…

Do the right thing at the right time

Time is not an infinity variable. That is the fact. No matter how big, how influencing, how small, how tiny,…

World No Tobacco Day

From the wikipedia definition : World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. The…

the brain and mind.

One question arise .. what is the brain and .. what is the mind ? if it is the same..…