Plesk.. and dedicated server.

huh.. today got chance to mess up with a plesk 8.1.1
after few trick with mysql thing.. backup.. drop .. restore..things..
lastly manage to install as a fresh ..

Nothing more precious than to have a dedicated server working ..
restored via remote..
no need to go to Data Centre (DC)..

yeah.. I got something on newspaper ads..

p/s : Many men run on energy ..
……….. few are driven by passion…

Unleash your passion..

what was that ?
hahahah.. think bout it.. ~!

Namran Hussin:

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  • the step to remove old plesk before can start install a new
    but it is preferable to have a complete system restore..
    *** somehow . to wait for sys-admin to do thing to you.. ah.. a lil' bit fu*ked thing.. why not ***..

    as root..
    1. yum remove psa-*
    2. yum remove httpd
    3. rm -rf /var/httpd -R
    4. rm -rf /usr/local/psa -R
    5. rm -rf /var/www/vhosts -R
    6. service mysqld stop
    7. If don't know the root pass for myql .try this as root :
    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-table

    6. mysql -uroot
    i. drop database psa
    ii. drop database phpmyadmin_14813SHFF <-- some serial here can see using show databases; iii. drop database horde; iv. drop database sitebuilder; v. and any other thing .. except test and mysql; vi. may have to reset pass for root to blank ... if u want to delete other user than root in mysql use mysql; delete * from user where User!='root'; update user set Password=PASSWORD('') where User='root'; may be need to add the admin user with pass setup. and with all priv here. insert into user (Host,User,Password) values ('localhost',admin,PASSWORD('something-default-here')); then have to grant.. all the privilege. to the admin then remove mysqld. yum remove mysql. ***.. after that may proceed with re-installation process. note i did'nt remove any other user created before.. such as qmail.. bla..bla.. because we are going to re-install .. then.. ./psa_installer_v3.1.2_build070321.17_os_CentOS_4_i386 answer all question.. wait.. till finished.. hopefully no problem.. may be need to flush the firewall services iptables restart.. then can access to https://server.name.com:8443/ you should see the login screen.. wahaha..

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