Somehow , out of middle the nite.. while playing on Media Player plugin and Gtalk..
why not try to make it work on linux as well..
well.. after a few google search.. found out the are pidgin-musictracker plugin..
to start..
need to get the source at select the version 0.4.6 if you’re using CentOS 5.2 ..
coz i did’nt succeed to compile 0.4.7 onward as it requiring for dbus 0.73 and bla.. bla..
you may need pidgin pidgin-devel dbus-glib dbus-devel
to compile..
tar xjfv pidgin-musictracker-.0.4.6.bz2
cd pidgin-musictracker-0.4.6
make check
then as root
make install
this will install the plugin into /usr/lib/pidgin
then restart the pidgin to see the plugins..
go to Tools-> Plugins.
the scroll till can see
Music Tracker..
highlight then press configure..
at the Playing format..
enter the something as following at the start of the line..
%m %t by %p %m using (%r)
it will show something like this on your friend’s Buddy List .. screenshot on (Pidgin 2.3.1-2.el5_2)
XMMS/Audacious 1.3: Title format needs to be set as ‘%p | %a | %t’ in the players preferences. Delimiter choice ‘|’ can be changed in musictracker settings.
XMMS/Audacious 1.3: Title format needs to be set as ‘%p | %a | %t’ in the players preferences. Delimiter choice ‘|’ can be changed in musictracker settings.