Namran Hussin Blogger Stuff,Personal 95% of blog have gone dark, any lesson to learn from

95% of blog have gone dark, any lesson to learn from

Bumped into some interesting article, regarding blogging and online social network.

From NY Times..

Today, Mrs. Nichols speaks about her blog as if it were a diet or half-finished novel. “I’m going to get back to it,” she swears. Her last entry, in December of last year, was curt and none too profound. “Books make great gifts,” she began, breaking a silence of nearly a month.

Like Mrs. Nichols, many people start blogs with lofty aspirations — to build an audience and leave their day job, to land a book deal, or simply to share their genius with the world. Getting started is easy, since all it takes to maintain a blog is a little time and inspiration. So why do blogs have a higher failure rate than restaurants?

According to a 2008 survey by Technorati, which runs a search engine for blogs, only 7.4 million out of the 133 million blogs the company tracks had been updated in the past 120 days. That translates to 95 percent of blogs being essentially abandoned, left to lie fallow on the Web, where they become public remnants of a dream — or at least an ambition — unfulfilled.

Judging from conversations with retired bloggers, many of the orphans were cast aside by people who had assumed that once they started blogging, the world would beat a path to their digital door.

“I was always hoping more people would read it, and it would get a lot of comments,” Mrs. Nichols said recently by telephone, sounding a little betrayed. “Every once in a while I would see this thing on TV about some mommy blogger making $4,000 a month, and thought, ‘I would like that.’ ”

Not all fallow blogs die from lack of reader interest. Some bloggers find themselves too busy — what with, say, homework and swim practice, or perhaps even housework and parenting. Others graduate to more immediate formats, like Twitter and Facebook. And a few — gasp — actually decide to reclaim some smidgen of personal privacy.

“Before you could be anonymous, and now you can’t,” said Nancy Sun, a 26-year-old New Yorker who abandoned her first blog after experiencing the dark side of minor Internet notoriety. She had started it in 1999, back when blogging was in its infancy and she did not have to worry too hard about posting her raw feelings for a guy she barely knew.

“The Internet is different now,” she said over a cup of tea in Midtown. “I was too Web 1.0. You want to be anonymous, you want to write, like, long entries, and no one wants to read that stuff.”

Richard Jalichandra, chief executive of Technorati, said that at any given time there are 7 million to 10 million active blogs on the Internet, but “it’s probably between 50,000 and 100,000 blogs that are generating most of the page views.” He added, “There’s a joke within the blogging community that most blogs have an audience of one.”

That’s a serious letdown from the hype that greeted blogs when they first became popular. No longer would writers toil in anonymity or suffer the indignities of the publishing industry, we were told. Finally the world of ideas would be democratized! This was the catnip that intoxicated Mrs. Nichols. “That was when people were starting to talk about blogs and how anyone could, if not get famous, get their opinions out there and get them read,” she recalled. “I just wanted to post something interesting and get people talking, but mostly it was just my sister commenting.”

Many people who think blogging is a fast path to financial independence also find themselves discouraged.

Mr. Jalichandra of Technorati — a blogger himself — also points out that some retired bloggers have merely found new platforms. “Some of that activity has gone to Facebook and MySpace, and obviously Twitter is a new phenomenon,” he said.

.. Interestingly , if you asked any youth nowadays..
What do you really think about facebook this day ?“..

more than 50% of them will answer it as

Now it is boring.. nothing much to expect. same rubbish.. got many stupid quiz without no apparent reason..

.. don’t know if there are still people really into that app anymore..

after certain period of time.. the excitement is gone..

and we tend to move to something more meaningful..

be it an outdoor activity or just face-to-face session with friends and so on and so forth..

.. again “Technology is mean to help us to live a better life..’

but is does not mean that ‘technology’ had to be the main thing to be embraced and sleep with everyday… and neglected everything else..

thing like .. “Tips on how to blog better..”, “How to improve blog to get bla.bla..bla”.. would not last long.

Frankly speaking.. “Don’t you have other better thing to do other than that?”

p/s : People come and people go.. only one will stay with you after all.. it is you ,by yourself.. and with your own lifetime.. contemplating what was i am doing all these while?..~

2 thoughts on “95% of blog have gone dark, any lesson to learn from”

  1. On Twitter, Most People Are Sheep: 80 Percent Of Accounts Have Fewer Than 10 Followers

    by Erick Schonfeld on June 6, 2009

    Let’s face it, most people are sheep. It is much easier to follow than to lead, and on Twitter it is no different. A full 80 percent of Twitter accounts have fewer than 10 followers, according to an analysis of seven million Twitter accounts provided to TechCrunch by Web security firm Purewire (which operates TweetGrade). What’s more, 30 percent have zero followers.

    Does this mean nobody is using Twitter? Or that they are using it more as a one-way information consumption service?

    The fact that an estimated 32 million people around the world visited alone in April certainly indicates that there is something going on there. It just may be that Twitter really isn’t as much about two-way micro-conversations as it is about one-way micro-broadcasting. Indeed, a recent Harvard Business School study suggested that the top 10 percent of Twitter users produce more than 90 percent of all Tweets.

    Here is how Purewire breaks down activity on Twitter by number of followers, followings, and Tweets:

    Accounts with 0 followers: 29.4%
    Accounts with 1 to 9 followers: 50.9%
    Accounts with 10 or more followers: 19.7%

    Accounts following 0 people: 24.4%
    Accounts following 1 to 9 people: 43.4%
    Accounts following 10 or more people: 32.2%

    Accounts with 0 Tweets: 37.1%
    Accounts with 1 to 9 Tweets: 41.0%
    Accounts with more 10 or more Tweets: 21.9%

    What stands out from this data is that about a quarter of all accounts are not following anybody, nearly 30 percent have zero followers, and more than a third have not posted a single Tweet. The problem with all of this data, however, is that it includes abandoned accounts (as most likely does the Harvard data as well).

    Like any popular Web service, millions of people create a Twitter account, try it once, and never come back again. The Purewire data shows that about 40 percent of users have not sent out a Tweet since the day they created their accounts. You can compare this with the 60 percent abandonment rate claimed by Nielsen. But even these may not be the true abandonment rates. Just because you are not Tweeting does not mean you are not listening.

    After getting rid of the dead accounts and spam accounts (24 percent of accounts follow nobody), what do we have left? All the activity on Twitter is coming from the remaining people who stick around—that 20 percent with more than ten followers and the 32 percent following more than ten people. If you look at active accounts—which Purewire defined as those with at least 10 followers, 10 followings, and 10 tweets—it shows that Twitter is still filled with sheep. Of those active accounts, 63.6 percent follow more people than they have followers (2.8 percent have the same number of followers as followings).

    But that is what you’d expect. When only 22 percent of accounts have more than 10 Tweets, people who bother to Tweet on a regular basis will attract more followers than people who prefer to sit back and read. Twitter is no different than any other form of participatory media. A small fraction of users produce the overwhelming amount of content, even if it is just 140 characters at a time. Everyone else just drinks from the stream. Baaaa!

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